OpenCms 15.0 Upgrade Wizard

This OpenCms 15 update wizard allows an almost automatic update to version 15 from the following previous OpenCms versions:




11.0.0 - 11.0.2

10.5.0 - 10.5.4

10.0.0 - 10.0.1

This version will only work for MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL based OpenCms installations.

Please have a look at the readme.txt file in the downloaded zip archive for details about the upgrade process. Before you use the upgrade wizard, please make a full backup of your OpenCms installation.

Who should use this 15 upgrade download?

Use this download to update from an existing OpenCms 14, 13, 12, 11, 10.5 or 10.0 installation. For a new, fresh installation of OpenCms 15, use the full distribution version.

This version of OpenCms requires Java 8 because of library dependencies. In case you still run OpenCms on Java 7 or older, you need to update your JVM first.

Please note: This update wizard is not intended to be used for any non-stable (beta, GIT based) versions of OpenCms.

Please note: The *.jar files in this binary distribution have been compiled for Java 8.

Modul Version: 15.0
Zur Verfügung gestellt von: Alkacon Software
Lizenz: GNU Lesser General Public License
Zum Downloaden hier Klicken (192669 kb)

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Update von OpenCms

  • Aktualisieren Sie Ihre OpenCms Installation auf die aktuelle stabile Version 18 mit dem einfach zu benutzenden Upgrade-Wizard.

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